Ancient Coins


Buy Ancient Coins

Ancient coins provide invaluable insights into their countries of origin. Historians benefit greatly from these artifacts, which document the ebb and flow of civilizations over time.

Today, collectors worldwide can explore these ancient worlds, thanks to the internet and specialized collectors who focus on specific periods or types of coinage.

For instance, collectors are drawn to Biblical coins from around 103-76 BC, such as the Widow's Mite, reflecting the crude currency of Jesus' time. Similarly, medieval Islamic coins from the 13th and 14th centuries offer a glimpse into the past.

Spanish coins, like the Peruvian silver cobs from the 16th century, particularly fascinate collectors due to their historical significance, often tied to Spain's exploitation of South American silver.

Ancient Greek coins span various city-states like Macedonia, Lucania, and Sicily, but perhaps the most sought-after are those from the Roman Empire's imperial and provincial periods. Roman coins, in particular, showcase the empire's influence as local leaders, upon Roman appointment, would often feature their own likeness to gain loyalty and respect.

Byzantine coins, originating from Constantinople after 330 AD, often depict religious motifs such as crosses, appealing especially to collectors with an interest in religious history.

Asia boasts a rich diversity of ancient coinage, ranging from Japanese silver slugs to ancient Indian and Mauryan coins. Chinese coinage, in particular, reflects the country's flourishing international trade, with numerous shipwrecks in Asia yielding clusters of typical Chinese coins, attesting to its historical economic prowess.