Nigeria :produit de valeur


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Naira is the currency of Nigeria, the naira was introduced in 1973, replacing the pound at a rate of 2 nairas = 1 pound. This made Nigeria the last country to abandon the £sd currency system. There was a plan to redenominate the naira at 1 new naira = 100 old naira in 2008, but the plan has been suspended.

In 1973, coins were introduced in denominations of ½, 1, 5, 10 and 25 kobo, with the ½ and 1 kobo in bronze and the higher denomnations in cupro-nickel. On 28 February 2007, new coins were issued in denominations of 50 kobo, 1 and 2 naira, with the 1 and 2 naira bimetallic. The central bank stated that the ½ to 25 kobo coins were to be  withdrawn from circulation from the 28 February 2007.

NIGERIA COIN L1, ONE NAIRA 1986-1946 T1058
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