$23.00 USD


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The roman Empire allowed many cities and country towns to mint coins that was for use by locals and these are refered to as Roman provincial coins

The early Roman coins made from brass ,copper or bronze had clearly defined denominations with a classification system as below

AE1 coins of 28 mm diameter or larger

AE2 coins between 23 and 27 mm diameter

AE3 coins between 18 and 22 mm diameter

AE4 coins 17mm diameter and under



Republic coins   289-41 bc

Imperial coins    27 bc – 498 ad

Roman Provincial


Roman Provincial are coins that were minted in the roman empire by local authorities not by Rome.Over 600 mints flourished during the Roman Imperial era and some based their coinage on that local coins before the Romans arrived.

The majority of these coins were bronze,as the Romans controlled silver coins and didn’t want the tribal areas to control silver but they did allow the Eastern Empire to have silver coins 


Republican Coins

Before coins were struck ,trade was accomplished with cattle or rough bronze.

It wasn’t till the end of the 4th centenary that bronze was shaped into flat crude bars and did not have a standard weight.

Rome produced its first coins around 300BC,these coins were inscribed ROMANOM

(of the romans) and production continued till the end of the Punic wars in 240 BC.


Imperial Coins images on coins took an important step when JULIUS CAESAR issued coins bearing his image, this was first time a living person was on coin and was to help influence Caesars control over his empire and make him appear god like.

Many of these coins were made from silver but towards the end the silver content was lowered as silver was scarce to find and sometimes these silver coins had no silver at all, this was due ti demand for silver from india and inflation as solders pay increased for 900 sestertii under augustus to 2000 sestertii under Septimus Server and the price of grain tripled so many coins were melted .


The Republic
289-41 bc

Imperatorial Issues
71-27 bc

The Roman Empire
27 bc - 498 ad

Roman Provincial Coins

Cast Bronze Coinage
(Aes Grave)

289 -212 bc

Pompey the Great
(and his sons)
71 - 40 bc

The Twelve Caesars
27 bc - 96 ad

The Tetrarchy
285 - 324

Western Europe and North Africa

Pyrrhic and Punic Wars
280-212 bc

Julius Caesar
49 - 40 bc

The Adoptive Emperors
96 - 197

The Age of Constantine
307 - 337

Eastern Europe

The Denarius Coinage
211 - 41 bc

Brutus and Cassius
43 - 42 bc

The Severan Dynasty
193 - 235

Heirs of Constantine
337 - 363

Asia Minor


Mark Antony
44 - 31 bc

The Soldier Emperors

Valentinian and Theodosius
364 - 423

Roman Egypt



43 - 27 bc

The Time of Troubles

The Late Empire
423 - 498




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Product-ID : 347
Begint : 23rd July 2024 10:56 am AEST
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