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28/08/2023 12:20 pm

Holy Land Artifact Bronze Bead 100-400 AD

Afmetingen (mm)
16.000 x 6.000 x 6.000mm
Gewicht (G)

Artifact is as found in the Holy Lands and this item has NO repair or restoration

weight 3.2 grams Possible Arab or Bedoiun origin

Our Artifacts source

we Have dealt with our supplier of ancient artifacts and ancient coins since 2005, with most ancient coins listed on our sister site, coins auctioned from this reliable supplier

Supplier is member Association of international antiquities Dealers.

Reputation is important in this trade and one question we are asked often is, how do they determine age of each artifact?

The holy land has a unique history and professional diggers of artifacts dig and can tell what level relates to the time by texture and colour of the soil as well as by identification knowledge of the Artifact.

Roman artefacts and local holy land items are at different level to crusaders and Arabs did control vast areas.

And is rare to find sites of Arab and Crusader Artifacts in same place

Verzend provider Verzending naar:land Verzending naar de rest van de wereld
FedEx $12.00 / :dagen dagen $39.00 / :dagen dagen
FedEx wordt verdisconteerd tot $12.00 bij bestellingen met 2 of meer artikelen
Rest van de wereld
FedEx wordt verdisconteerd tot $39.00 bij bestellingen met 2 of meer artikelen
Registered Shipping $9.00 / :dagen dagen $16.00 / :dagen dagen
Registered Shipping wordt verdisconteerd tot $9.00 bij bestellingen met 2 of meer artikelen
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Registered Shipping wordt verdisconteerd tot $16.00 bij bestellingen met 2 of meer artikelen

Explore ancient treasures at Ancient Coins Store, a collaboration with passionate collectors. Our collection showcases authentic coins primarily from Europe, shipped from our headquarters at CoinsPlus in Australia. Immerse yourself in history with our carefully curated selection, backed by 20 years of expertise.
:stad land
699e feedback

  • sns1

    Paid and shipped - no feedback left after 100 days

  • cherith

    Great coin at a great price and all as pictured. Also fast shipping. Thankyou.

  • gdimi1970

    Wonderful coin to add to my collection.

Biedingen geschiedenis (1)
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1 jaar geleden

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Als er een pictogram is dat 'Automatisch bieden' aangeeft, betekent dit dat ons systeem actief biedingen plaatst voor de gebruiker op basis van hun maximumbod. Dit kan lijken alsof gebruikers zichzelf overbieden, maar het is gewoon het gevolg van het feit dat het systeem het bod bijwerkt om de maximumlimiet van de gebruiker weer te geven.


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$16.00 21 dagen via Registered Shipping
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  • paypal


Vermeldingstype : Standard
Product-ID : 18854
Openingsbod : $15
Begint : 19th August 2023 09:30 am AEST
Loopt af : 28th August 2023 12:20 pm AEST
* Alle prijzen zijn in:valuta