Asian Coins and Paper Money :waarde Producten

Asian coins show the diversity of these countries and their coinage does give insight into the country.

Kings and Dynasty minted their image on many coins to show people they had power over them.

Even today we have king Thailand on the local currency and image must be respected or you could face jail if you deliberately damaged this image of the king on their coin.

Ancient china minted some of the worlds first coins, but they were not minted, but made by cast in moulds with a square hole so people could wear these coins around their neck instead on pockets

These moulds were made bronze, not clay to try and make uniformity in the coins.

One Chinese Dynasty the Han, made 220 million coins this way, so ancient Chinese coins are not as rare and valuable as you might think.

Japan made coins from 8th century but replied on Chinese coinage for centuries. The silver slug, was the countries first silver coinage followed by rectangular coins in gold and silver but after the arrival of western countries the mint changed to round coins.

India also has deep history and produced coins in Iron Age, c.700 BCE, used Cowry shells before that

India has so many different regions who produced their own coinage over 2700 years till British coinage and colonialization and then independence.

Most Asian countries started silver coinage but not many used gold

India made the purity Fanams in the 17th century

Asian countries that were colonized by Great Brittan adopted the currency of Britain and Queen or king on reverse of this coinage. majority coinage was silver in those days and are highly collectible by coin dealers

Today most coinage in Asia is basic metal brass, nickel and plated