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British Coins

British Guinea Gold Coin

British Guinea Gold Coin,This coin was nicknamed “guinea” because the gold used for minting it was brought from Guinea in Africa. The area was rich in gold and provided this precious metal in large quantitie

8th Nov 2010

History of Britain (UK) coinage

History of Britain (UK) coinage,The coinage produced by the Royal Mint for the citizens United Kingdom is a significant way for them to appreciate the history of their country. Coins are precious past artefacts that can enlighten the technology, arts, ec

11th Apr 2018

British Colonial Coins India

British colonial coins India,India Coins occurred (1862-1947) were minted under the right of the crown. The new coins produced under the 1835’s Coinage Act had the image of William IV on the face and the worth on the reverse in Persian and English.

13th Apr 2018