Collections 4 Prodotti


Parole chiave


Tipologia di prodotto

Peso (G)

Year ()

Lunghezza (mm)

Larghezza (mm)

Profondità (mm)

Collections, where you can find Bulk Lots, Starter Sets, Booster Sets, Years Sets and more to get collection off to a flying start as well as fill in those missing sections in one go.

Bulk lots are an ideal way to get a new collector off to a good start. Each lot will have a variety of pieces to get started.

Starters sets are carefully compiled lots of a single country, type or even one of each for various countries. There are many possibilities, but one thing is for sure, they make a great start for new and expanding collections.

Booster sets tend to be coins of a particular type such as French Silver Francs of the Sower Semeuse series, year or variety types for a particular coin.